Mission Statement: The Kiawah-Seabrook Exchange Club is a service organization committed to community enrichment through the support and development of programs that focus on four major areas. (1) Prevention of child abuse: (2) Youth development and education: (3) Americanism; and (4) Community outreach for health, housing, hunger, social services & mentoring.

PRESIDENT  - Thad Peterson

  • Provide leadership to Club Board and membership
  • Preside at Club meetings and Board meetings
  • Develop and implement plans and goals for Club success
  • Uphold National, District and Club Bylaws
PRESIDENT ELECT  Chris Stephenson
  • Assist the President as needed
  • Recruit Executive Committee and Club Board Committee Chairs for the following year
  • Develop ideas and goals for the following year
  • Assist the President as needed
  • Chair the Foundation Board and Americanism Committee
  • Emcee Grant Night and Angel Oak Award Banquet
  • Responsible for Club and Foundation bank accounts, paying invoices and financial records
  • Manage four Accounts: Operations, Contributions (Handbook), Foundation, Bohicket Run
  • Financial Update Reports to Club Board and Foundation Board
  • File tax reports (IRS Form 990) and maintain registration with South Carolina Secty of State
  • Calculate Funds Available for Grants and prepare checks for Grant Recipients
  • Record and maintain Meeting Minutes for Club dinner meetings as well as Club and Foundation Board meetings
  • Serve on Communications Committee and assist other committees as needed
  • Prepare and update informative documentation for distribution to committees and members and public
  • Administrate social media: Facebook & Instagram accounts

BOARD MEMBERS – Charlie Septer, Dave Berry, Ed Leary, Marjorie Stephenson, Bill Nelson, Ron Schildge, Jack Wilson, Bob Schick, Richard Gwyn, Chuck Riehl, Lisa McDonald


Mission Statement: The Foundation, a 501 (C)3 organization, was created to receive tax-deductible* contributions which supplement fundraising from Club activities for charitable giving. Contributions can be made by cash or through the transfer of appreciated securities. Donations that are unrestricted allow The Exchange Club to direct funds to charities of their choice, or they can be restricted to charities of the donor’s choice. Either way, the money will support the needs of the community that we live in and enjoy so much.

The Foundation also sponsors and oversees the Angel Oak Award Banquet and the Grants Award Night. *Foundation donations are tax deductible, whereas donations to the Exchange Club itself are not.

CHAIRMAN – Ray Hoover

BOARD MEMBERS Bob Leggett, Thad Peterson, Rich Boss, Lisa McDonald, Bob Mason, Charlie Septer



Mission Statement: The Youth and Education Committee helps to improve the quality of education and educational opportunities for students on John’s and Wadmalaw Islands. This is carried out via:

  • Financial support, through grants to organizations that directly benefit students and education on John’s and Wadmalaw Islands either during the school year or during summer enrichment programs.
  • Direct involvement with students at St. John’s High School and Charleston Collegiate High School through Students of the Month awards, which encourage students to get good grades, and through our college scholarship awards program, which helps students to be able to continue their education in college.

CHAIR-Ed Leary, VICE CHAIR-Ed Brett. MEMBERS: Phyllis Barber, Ed Rigtrup, Art Doughty, Chris Strobel, Lisa Owens, Robert Quagliato


Mission Statement: Evaluate and allocate funds to health and housing organizations serving and making the most positive impact on disadvantaged residents of Johns and Wadmalaw Islands. Deliberations consider but may not be limited to:

  • A careful review of the grant request and the specific purpose for which the grant will be used.
  • Examination of the organization's balance sheet and budget to determine the ration of monies used for both administration and fundraising compared to the monies going directly to the programs.
  • The grant should be significantly meaningful and therefore focus on a limited number of non-profits.

 CHAIR-Bob Schick. MEMBERS: Frank Farfone, Derek Fyfe, Dennis Giannos, Russ Preston, Walter Sewell, Tom Berghausen


Mission Statement: This committee’s mission supports our neighbors in need on Johns and Wadmalaw Islands through the charitable organizations distributing food and providing other necessary support. This may include families with temporary needs as well as seniors and disabled neighbors facing ongoing needs. We support over a dozen organizations reaching out to over 3000 people each year.

 CHAIR-Dave Berry, VICE CHAIR-TBD. MEMBERS: Phyllis Barber, John Sellinger, Carmine DeGennaro, Mela Wyeth, Shirley Salvo, Chris Strobel


Mission Statement: The Child Abuse Prevention Committee supports and works with existing and potential grantees to assess how they can best serve Johns and Wadmalaw Islands in the area of Childhood Abuse Prevention.

 CHAIR-Charles Septer, VICE CHAIR-Bob Mason. MEMBERS: Kevin Boyle, Dick Fleming, Ray Hoover, Geof Woglom, John Reock, Ed Rigtrup, Roy Sessions, Joy Millar, Derek Fyfe, Bob Glen, John Sesody


Mission Statement: The Americanism Program of Service promotes pride in our country, appreciation for the freedoms granted to American Citizens, and gratitude to the men and women who serve or have served in the Armed Forces. Americanism celebrates this country’s rich and unique heritage that inspires unity from coast to coast. The Americanism Committee oversees the honoring of South Carolina Fallen Heroes at meetings and by displaying over 120 US flags on all Holidays at various locations on Seabrook, Kiawah, and Johns Islands.

 CHAIR-Jack Wilson-Chair, VICE CHAIR-Bob Leggett. MEMBERS: Ron Schildge, Ed Rigtrup, Richard Gwyn, Todd Andersen



Mission Statement: Recruit and train Club Members to sell new ads and renew existing advertisers. Determine ad rates. Ad sales are this club’s biggest source of fundraising dollars.

 CHAIR- Richard Gwyn MEMBERS: Jack Wilson-Ad Sales Lead, Wayne Billian-Coordinator, Ed Brett-Nonrevenue TEAM CAPTAINS: Bob Leggett, Roger Steel, Jack Wilson, Bill Nelson, Bob Quagliato, John Reock, Bruce VanVoorhis

SALES TEAM: Herbert Boehm, Bob Glenn, Steve Haines, Bob Leggett, Bruce VanVoorhis, Tony Mazzola, Nancy Schibler, Roy Sessions, Chris Stephenson, Jay Miller, Jim Newton, Stephen Penhkus, Roger Steel, Ken Steen, Coby VanDeGraaf, David Cruse, Ray Hoover, Bill Huff, Jack Wilson, Bill Nelson, Alan Armstrong, Wayne Billian, Carmine DeGennaro, Ed Leary, Kevin Boyle, Jim Dywer, Joy Millar, John Reock, Bob Schick, Frank Farfone, Ken Kavanaugh, Ron Schildge, Bob Speziale, Bruce VanVoorhis


Mission Statement: Recruit and retain Exchange Club members

  • Prospect through current membership and local businesses to add women members, members from Kiawah and Kiawah River Estates
  • Oversee new member orientation program
  • Follow up with dinner guests and prospects
  • Make it easy to join and pay dues on the website
  • Reach out to local businesses to encourage their involvement – and membership
  • Maintain the Club Roster on the National EC website
  • Maintain database of former members and current prospects including recent dinner guests
  • Manage nametags and meeting sign-ins for members and guests

 CHAIR -  Chuck Riehl. MEMBERS: Phyllis Barber, Nancy Schibler, David Cruse, Joe Thompson, Scott Lee, Dennis Giannos, Bill Good


Mission/ Purpose: Inform existing members, prospective members, and the public of major activities/accomplishments of the Exchange Club. Assist in increasing membership and attracting contributions.

  • Reach out periodically through communication channels such as the Seabrooker, Tidelines, Post & Courier, Island Connection and social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram to tell the club’s ongoing story

 CHAIR - Lisa McDonald. MEMBERS: Thad Peterson, Bob Leggett


Mission Statement: Secure and schedule speakers for Club's dinners, manage logistics and audio-visual requirements for speaker, welcome and introduce the speaker

 CHAIR –  TBD. MEMBERS: David Cruse, Bob Speziale, Scott Lee, Derek Fyfe, Bob Mason, Roy Sessions, Bill Nelson


Mission Statement: Plan activities and recruit volunteers for special activities, including the Holiday Party, Bohicket Run, Members' Social Golf Outing, Veterans Day Charitable Golf Tournament, and our premier event, the Angel Oak Award Banquet.

CHAIR - Marjorie Stephenson, VICE CHAIR – TBD. MEMBERS: Cathy Cleary, Wes Cleary, Bill Nelson, Chuck Riehl


Mission Statement: Honor veterans who have served the country and raise money to support the Ralph Johnson Veteran’s

Hospital and the Friends of Fisher House

CHAIR Alan Armstrong, VICE CHAIR TBD. MEMBERS: Wayne Billian, Carmine DeGennaro, Joe Thompson, Dave Woodman


Mission Statement: Organize the annual Bohicket 5k and Half Marathon Event which is a source of fundraising dollars for this club.

CHAIR Pat Welch, VICE CHAIR Bill Nelson


Mission/ Purpose: Coordination of Exchange Club Dinner meetings including scheduling, invitations, dinner event support, and post- dinner program critique surveys. Liaise with the Seabrook Club and other venues. Provide pre and post dinner attendance counts. Provide meeting night support for audio visual and speaker biography displays and gifts.

CHAIR - Bill Nelson, VICE CHAIR – TBD. MEMBERS: David Cruse


Mission Statement: Develop new and easily accessible tools to increase member participation in the activities of the Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook. Help grow membership through the effective use of communication software that will enhance the membership experience. This committee will:

  • Encourage member participation in our twice-monthly dinners. Develop sign-up form that tracks both member attendance and guest participation and allows for payment of guest fees or At-Large member fees for these dinners in advance.
  • Enhance use of the website to inform and encourage participation in Exchange Club activities.
  • Enhance New Member onboarding process
  • Encourage members to use the website and the dues renewal process to get the renewal fees processed no later than 30 days from the invoice date.
  • Develop an email template for Exchange Club communications and train committee chairs on sending group emails.

CHAIR – Ron Schildge, VICE CHAIR – Lars Lueger MEMBERS: Bob Leggett, Bill Nelson, Richard Gwyn, Geoff Woglom




Mission Statement: Facilitate set-up and take-down of American flag displays on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Veteran’s

Day. This is an extension of the Americanism Committee.


FLAG COORDINATOR Todd Andersen. MEMBERS: Jack Wilson, Bob Leggett, David Cruse, Bill Bane, Kevin Boyle, James Dwyer, Dick Fleming, Ed Heskamp, Bill Huff, Scott Lee, Alan Madison, Bob Mason, Jay Miller, Chris Quinn, Bob Schick, Ken Steen, Joe Thompson, Bruce VanVoorhis, David Woodman, Richard Gwyn, Dustin Plunkett, Art Dougherty, Ray Hoover, Herbert Boehm, Ron Schildge, Roger Steel, John Reock, Rick McDonald, Walter Sewell, Ed Rigtrup, Bob Glenn


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What is the Exchange Club? It’s “America’s Service Club”. Since 1911, Exchange Clubs have been selflessly serving their communities. If you’re looking for an opportunity to make a difference in your community, Exchange Club is for YOU!


Through Programs of Service – Americanism, Community Service, Child Abuse Prevention, and Youth & Education – members support activities that benefit local youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers.


The Exchange Club of Kiawah-Seabrook is one of over 500 chapters across the nation comprising more than 18,000 members. Johns and Wadmalaw Islands are focal points for our club’s efforts, supporting and raising money for thirty-two local charities. We also take great pride in flying American flags several times a year in highly visible locations to honor South Carolina heroes lost in service to our country.


Please consider joining us. This invitation is for all who wish to join, not just residents of Kiawah and Seabrook. We meet twice a month for dinner, followed by distinguished speakers from the Charleston Area. Service committees gather separately to work on initiatives and projects. Look us up on the web at www.ks-exchangeclub.com and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.









Dee Norton Child Advocacy Center

Angel Oak Elementary

AMOR Healing Kitchen

Florence Crittendon Programs for SC

Camp Happy Days

Backpack Buddies, Seabrook


Camp Hi Hopes

Blessing Basket

Low Country Orphan Relief

Charleston Collegiate

CHS Area Senior Services

Subtotal              $45,200

Community and Schools

Fields to Families


CSO Education

Hebron Zion Emergency Food Pantry


Edith Frierson Elementary

Hebron Zion Senior Citizens

Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic

Haut Gap Middle School

New Webster Food Pantry

Sea Islands Habitat for Humanity

Mt. Zion Elementary

Sea Island Cares

Paraclete Foundation

Youth of Month St. Johns /

St. James Bethel AME Sunday Dinner

Water Welness

Cha. Collegiate

Sweetgrass Garden Co-op

Subtotal              $28,000

Scholarships St. John's /

Subtotal              $23,500


Cha. Collegiate







Subtotal        $38,000

Fisher House



Veterans Day Golf Outing





Recipient Grant     $5,000


Tax Deductible Donations may be mailed to: K-S Foundation, 130 Gardeners Circle PMB-J, Johns Island SC 29455